AI Revolution: Navigating Deepfakes, Copyright Battles, and New Laws in 2024

The world of AI is buzzing with issues, from copyright wars to the fear of deepfakes messing up elections. Here’s what’s hot.

AI’s not just for sci-fi anymore.

It’s big now, thanks to stuff like ChatGPT and Bard chatbots. Millions use ’em, but we’re just scratching the surface, says experts.

Léa Steinacker from ada Learning calls it AI’s “iPhone moment”. Remember when Apple’s phone hit the scene in 2007? Changed how we use the internet on phones. Now, AI tools like ChatGPT are doing something similar for everyday folks, impacting society big time.

What about deepfakes in elections?

Generative AI lets anyone whip up realistic texts and images fast. So, deepfakes, where people seem to do stuff they didn’t, are easier to make than ever.

With big 2024 elections coming up, in the US and Europe, there’s worry about deepfakes swaying opinions or causing trouble. Juhan Lepassaar from EU’s cybersecurity agency says trust in the EU vote is on the line. It all depends on secure cyber infrastructures and reliable info.

Can social media handle it?

Big question. Platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are flagging AI stuff. But will their policies work? 2024’s elections will be the first real test.

Who owns AI stuff?

Here’s a twist. To make generative AI, companies feed their models tons of internet stuff without asking the creators. Now, rights holders are pushing back.

The New York Times is suing OpenAI and Microsoft, saying they used its articles. And a bunch of famous writers, like John Grisham, are suing OpenAI too.

There’s more. Getty Images is going after Stability AI. These lawsuits might shape how copyright laws evolve in the AI era.

Who’s in control of AI?

As AI gets trickier, it’s also getting pricier to develop. Digital rights folks worry this means a few big tech companies will hold all the cards.

Fanny Hidvegi from Access Now points out how a few tech giants having all the data and computing power is a problem. It means these companies will shape how AI changes our world.

And about AI laws…
Just like cars need seat belts, AI needs rules. The EU’s ahead, with its AI Act from December 2023, a first-of-its-kind law for AI.

Now, it’s on the Brussels regulators to enforce these new rules. But expect lots of debate on the nitty-gritty of these laws, says Léa Steinacker.

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