Notification of Revised Basic Pay Scales and Allowances 2022 KPK

A notification has been issued on 14 July 2022 in connection with Revised Basic Pay Scales 2022 KPK and Allowances enhancement and merging of allowances into basic pay.  The KP government also issued the Notification of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2022 @ 16% of basic pay. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Notification Basic Pay Scales 2022 KPK and Allowances

As per the Notification, the Khyber Pakhtunkhawa Government granted the following to its employees:

  • Introduction of Revised Pay Scales 2022 by merging five ad-hoc relief allowances
  • Grant of Adhoc relief allowance (ARA-2022) @ 15% of current basic pay of 2017 pay scales

Before this KP Government announced a salary increase in Budget 2022-23 KPK in Budget speech and now its Notification the Finance Department KPK issued.  KP Government announced 16% ARA while other provincial Governments and Federal governments granted 15% ARA. But in the Notification, the employees of KPK will get the same rate of allowance of 15% as Federal and other provinces.

Notification of Revised Basic Pay Scales and Allowances 2022 KPK
Notification of Revised Basic Pay Scales and Allowances 2022 KPK
Notification of Revised Basic Pay Scales and Allowances 2022 KPK
Notification of Revised Basic Pay Scales and Allowances 2022 KPK

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