Pakistani Auditor Wins Dh15 Million in UAE Emirates Draw 2024

UAE Raffle Creates New Millionaire from Pakistan Mohammed Inam, a participant in the Emirates Draw’s Easy6 game, has become the UAE’s latest millionaire in 2024, winning a staggering Dh15 million.

Inam, expressing his deepest aspirations, shared his desire to complete the holy Hajj pilgrimage, a journey he regards as immensely spiritually significant.
Originally from the UAE, Inam now resides in Islamabad, Pakistan, and works as a finance auditor for an Abu Dhabi-based company.

His journey began in 2021 when an online ad inspired him to purchase his first raffle tickets.

His continued participation finally brought success. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Inam said, “Thank God, now I can fulfill many of my dreams.”

Inam admitted this win came unexpectedly, straying from his usual methodical approach.

“For the first time, I chose numbers blindly. I wasn’t even aware of my selection. Had I realized I picked 14 and 15 consecutively, I might have skipped participating,” he revealed.

Initially dismissing the life-altering call as a prank, Inam gradually accepted his new millionaire status. He first shared the exciting news with his wife, marking a new financial era for them.

On his immediate plans for the windfall, Inam prioritized purchasing a family car. “However, funding my family’s Hajj pilgrimage is my foremost commitment,” he added.

Post-Hajj, Inam plans to invest in UAE real estate and donate a portion of his fortune to charity.

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