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DSCT for Sindh Teaching Interns Program (STIP) 2022

A Notification has been issued on 05-01-2022 in connection with DSCI for Sindh Teaching Items Program (STIP) Salary Rs. 60000/~ by the School Education & Literacy Department Government of Sindh. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

DSCT for Sindh Teaching Interns Program (STIP)

No. SO (G-) SE&LD/DSC/20 22: Consequent upon the Honourable High Courts directives in Suit 1243/15, dt27/9/2021 and approval of a proposal for “Sindh Teaching Interns Program (STIP)’, from Sindh Cabinet during | its meeting held on dt:30/12/2021, “District Selection Committee for the Interns (DSCI)”, is hereby constituted for each district for the selection of Interns with the following Composition and ToRs: \

  1. District Education Officer (ES&HS) of the concerned district. Chairperson 3
  2. Chief Monitoring Officer, of the concemned District. Member 3
  3. District Coordinator, Local Support Unit-RSU(Concerned District) Secretary/member §
  4. Subject Expert (Professor/Associate Professor of the Concemed Subjects) Co-Opt Member §

Terms of Reference District Selection Committee for the Interns (Dsci)

  • To collect, Scrutinize and process the applications received from the applicants for Internship responding to the. advertisement.
  • To conduct interviews of eligible applicants
  • Observe ‘terms and conditions™ notified in the advertisement/ by the department, and prepare a subject-wise.
    merit list of recommended/selected applications for the internship. §
  • To forward the recommendations of selection/placement to Secretary, Education for approval.
  • To Observe transparency and merit during the whole process of selection and keep the record of its work intact.
  • To respond to appealsicomplaints and any kind of liigation at any forum/court of law. 3

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