Funds For Insaf Afternoon School Program 2021-22
A notification has been issued in connection with the provision of funds for the execution of a scheme titled “Insaf Afternoon School Program” reflected in ADP 2021-22 by the Punjab School Education Department on 18th November 2021. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;
Sr.No | Description | Detail |
1 | Department | School Education Department |
2 | Issued on | 18-11-2021 |
3 | Province | Punjab |
4 | Category | Insaf Afternoon School Program |
Funds For Insaf Afternoon School Program 2021-22
I am directed to inform that Finance Department vide its advice bearing No. FDYW&M)21-1/2021-22/DEN1017 dated 15.10.2021 has provided funds amounting to Rs. 1661.520 million in Account-V of DEAs concerned for provision of Honorarium to the staff of schools approved under a scheme titled “Insaf Afternoon School Programme” reflected in ADP 2021-22 of School Education Department as per district wise share mentioned in above said advice.
I am further directed to request you to immediately disburse these funds to concerned schools (only eligible among notified schools) in the light of instructions issued by the School Education Department vide letter No.SO(SNE)Up-gradation/2021(IASP) dated 12.11.2021 and also conveyed to you by the Director Public Instructions (EE), Punjab, Lahore vide letter No. P.A to DPI (EE)/5570 dated 15.11.2021 in true letter and spirit.
The undersigned has also been directed to request you to furnish financial/ physical progress against the above-mentioned scheme to Director Public Instructions (CE), Punjab, Lahore, and same be uploaded on SMDP on regular basis under intimation to this Department.