Grant of Study Leave KPK and Documents Required 2022

A notification of Grant of Study Leave in KPK has been issued on 14-09-2022 by Finance Department,Govt.of KPK.It is also requested to kindly follow the above rules/checklist before submitting study leave casesFurther detail of said notification in same is as under;

Notification of Grant of Study Leave KPK and Documents Required

I direct to refer to the subject cited above and to state that it has been observed that administrative departments are frequently submitting cases of study leave without scrutinising/examining whether fulfilled the due requirements/criteria for study leave or otherwise, resulting in a wastage of time in correspondence between the departments for rectifying the deficiencies.

In order to streamline the cases in accordance with Rule-7 of Appendix-9 of FR-84(Study Leave Rules)/a checklist has been developed for scrutinising/examining the cases of study leave. (Copy attached for ready reference). Besides other conditions, the administrative department must sign/furnish a course relevancy certificate by closely examining the job description of the employee and the course applied for, giving reasons with sound justification as to why the course is relevant to his/her job.

It is therefore requested to kindly follow the above rules/checklist before submitting study leave cases to this Department, please.

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