Guidelines For Ramzan Transmission on TV Channels 2022

A notification has been issued on 10th March 2022 in connection with guidelines for Ramzan Transmission on TV Channels by The Government of Pakistan, Minister For Religious Affairs & Interfaith Harmony. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Guidelines For Ramzan Transmission on TV Channels 2022

The complaints are receiving from the public regarding Ramadan transmission of some TV channels. That is why, the Minister for Religious Affairs Pir Noor-ul-Haq Qadri sent six guidelines to the President and Prime Minister regarding Ramadan broadcasting:

I pray and hope that this letter of mine will find you in the best of your health and spirit. I would like to draw your kind attention to a very sensitive issue which has been observed since the last few years that various TV channels telecast Ramadan transmission in the holy month of Ramadan.

During these transmissions, different programs/shows are anchored/presented by a number of hosts who due to lack of proper Islamic Education hardly qualify to anchor/present such programs. As a result, different controversies are created and general public rush to social media trolling such content and also complain to this Ministry as well as the other authorities.

In order to foil the emergence of such controversies, the following guidelines have been proposed for Ramadan Transmission for observance by all media channels: –

  1. Religious programs during Ramadan Transmissions shall be anchored/presented only by religiously well-versed and educated persons;
  2. Anchor/presenter and all the participants shall follow modesty in their dress code and appearance to honor the sanctity of the holy month of Ramadan;
  3. No person shall be allowed to discuss controversial religious or sectarian issues. Sanctity of religious personalities of all sects/religious communities shall be ensured;
  4. Game shows or recreational stuff shall not be aired immediately before or after Sehar/Iftar timings, moreover, the games and such stuff may not be the part of religious programs;
  5. Promotion of religious/sectarian harmony and propagation of Islamic teachings shall be prime focus of Ramadan transmissions;
  6. Unethical/immoral stuff, activity and advertisement shall not be telecast during the holy month of Ramadan.

I shall be grateful if the above proposed guidelines regarding Ramadan transmission may be perused and directions may be conveyed to Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and PEMRA to advise all TV channels to follow afore-mentioned proposed guidelines in letter and spirit.

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