Notification of Public Holiday on Shab-e-Barat 2022 Sindh

A notification has been issued on 17th March 2022 in connection with Public Holiday on Shab-e-Barat by The Government of Sindh, College Education Department.Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Notification of Public Holiday on Shab-e-Barat 2022 Sindh

NO:SO(A&T-I)Steering Comtt:/9-1/2018: In pursuance of the decisions taken in the Steering Committee meeting on Education held on 22nd February, 2022, all Public and Private Educational Institutions under the administrative control of College Education Department, shall remain closed on Saturday, 19 March, 2022 as holiday on account of Shab-e-Barrat (15th Shaban-1443).

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