Notification of Verification of B-Form By NADRA | SED Punjab

A notification has been issued on 20th April 2022 in connection with Verification of B-Form By NADRA by The Programme Monitoring & Implementation Unit, Punjab Education Sector Reform Programme, Govt of Punjab.

Notification of Verification of B-Form By NADRA

Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Detail of Notification

It was decided by the competent authority to make the B-Form field mandatory for all students during Annual School Census 2020-21. This decision was being taken to use B-Form field as Unique ID in future and to improve the credibility of data, robust tracking and future planning. This field will also helpful to track the dropped-out students from SED Schools and different cash transfer programmes eg.. Girls’ Stipend Programme.

A cross verification has been made by NADRA of 25.000 random students taken from SIS. It is found that B-Form numbers of 3% students and student relationship status of 18% students are invalid and not verified from NADRA database.

In view of the above, you are requested to probe the matter, re-verify and correct the B-Form numbers with valid relationship statuses of all the students in SIS of your District within 10 days positively.


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