Solarization of Higher Secondary Schools in Punjab 2022

A request letter / notification has been issued on 25 May 2022 in connection with Solarization of Higher Secondary Schools in Punjab 2022 by School Education Department Govt.of Punjab Lahore.Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Solarization of Higher Secondary Schools in Punjab 2022

I am directed to refer to your letter No. 996/PD/PMU/22 dated 11.05.2022 on the subject cited above and to enclose herewith list of 86-Higher Secondary Schools in Punjab for solarization during Financial Year 2022-23 under approved Annual Development Plan scheme titled “Solarization of 100 Higher Secondary schools in Punjab”.


Download List of Schools for Solarization in Punjab 2022

Here you can download the list of schools for solarization in Punjab.This list has been issued by School Education Department.Solar panel will be installed in these schools according to letter notification.Further letter and list is attached herewith.

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