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PunjabSED Punjab

Suggestion For Amendment in Service Rules-2014 Punjab

A notification has been issued on 12th October 2021 in connection with the Suggestion For Amendment in Service Rules-2014 by the Punjab School Education Department. The further details of said letter/notification in same are as under;

Suggestion For Amendment in Service Rules-2014 Punjab

I am directed to enclose herewith a letter No. PTU-85/2021 dated 11.10.2021 received from Waheed Murad Yousaf, President Punjab Teacher Union, Punjab wherein he has proposed a few amendments in service rules-2014 for the betterment of the teachers as well as for the smooth functioning of the schools.

I am further directed to request you to arrange a meeting with the representatives of the aforesaid teacher union to discuss the subject issues within 07 days positively.

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