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PunjabSED Punjab


A notification has been issued on 10th November 2021 in connection with Instructions regarding Teaching of Holy Quran | Nazrah in all Schools as a Separate Subjects by Govt. of Punjab School Education Department. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;


I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of the Judgment dated 03-11-2021 passed by Honorable Lahore High Court, Lahore on the subject case. The operating part of the decision is reproduced below:-

  • That the Secretary School Education Department, Govt. of the Punjab through the Chief Executive Officers of the District Education Authorities shall send to each learned District & Sessions Judge a copy of the report concerning his district by the 15’h November, 2021.
  • That the Secretary School Education Department, Govt. of the Punjab shall bound down each Chief Executive Officer of the District Education Authority to provide the learned District & Sessions Judge or his nominee with all kinds of facilities including the transport for inspection of schools and verification of the report.
  • That at the time of the inspection of the schools, the Chief Executive Officer of the District Education Authority shall accompany the learned District & Sessions Judge or his nominee.
  • That the Chief Executive Officer of the District Education Authority and his staff shall make all kinds of arrangements for inspection of the schools by the learned District & Sessions Judge or his nominee.
  • That the learned District & Sessions Judge or his nominee will not only check whether the Holy Quran is being taught as a separate subject but also counter-verify that the facts stated in the report, compiled by the Secretary School Education Department,Govt. of the Punjab, are correct in all respects:
  • That the report of the learned District & Sessions Judge of each district should reach this court by 29″h November, 2021 without fail;

2. In pursuance of these directions of Honourable Court, the Competent Authority has directed that all District Education Authorities (DEAs), shall ensure the compliance of followings directions in true letter & spirit:-

  1. Each CEO (DEA) concerned shall send to each learned District & Sessions Judge a copy of report concerning his district by the 15th November, 2021.
  2. Each CEO (DEA) to provide the learned District & Sessions Judge or his nominee with all kinds of facilities including the transport for inspection of schools and verification of the report.
  3. At the time of inspection of school, CEO (DEA) concerned shall accompany the learned District & Sessions Judge or his nominee.
  4. CEO (DEA) and his staff shall make all kinds of arrangement for inspection of schools by the learned District & Sessions Judge.

3. In view of the above, you are hereby directed to ensure compliance by your respective District Education Authority as desired by the Honorable Lahore High Court, Lahore.


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