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PECPunjabSED Punjab


A notification has been issued on 10th November 2021 in connection with School-Based Assessment (SBA) 2022 in Schools of Punjab by the Punjab Examination Commission Lahore. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;


Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) acknowledges the support extended by your office in the successful conduct of SBA 2021. It is further apprised that the PEC commission in its 23rd meeting held on 15t October 2021 agreed to continue the assessment of all grades (1-8) for SBA 2022. The following mode of assessment for SBA 2022 will be followed;

  1. The assessment will cover the whole curriculum for grade 1-8_
  2. The assessment for grades (1-5) will be based on SNC 2021 whereas grades (6-8) will be based on National Curriculum 2006.
  3. The assessment for grade 1 & 2 will be oral and it will consist of Objective Type Questions (MCQs, fill in the blank, true/false etc.) as well as Short Answer! Constructed Response Questions (CRQs).
  4. The assessment for grade 3-8 will be written and it will consist of MCQs and Short Answer/ Constructed Response Questions (CRQs).
  5. The weightage for MCQs and CRQs for grade 3-8 will be equal however it may slightly vary among grades.
  6. The assessment of Nazra Quran of 50 marks will be held as separate compulsory subject for grade 1-5 for Muslims students and the paper of Islamist will be of 100 marks.
  7. The assessment of Ethics/Religious Education for grades 1-5 will be of 100 Marks for Non-Muslim students and it will be equated with 150 marks in lieu of Islamist (100) + Nazra Quran (50) marks.

c) PEC will provide the item bank to schools for grades 1-8 for core subjects i.e. English, Urdu, Mathematics, General Knowledge/Science, Islamiat / Ethics, Social Studies / Geography & Computer Education. The assessment for the remaining Elective Subjects will be prepared by the schools/teachers on the same pattern.

  • The item bank will be shared by PEC through its Item Bank System (IBS) enabling schools to generate papers, keys and rubrics for conduct and marking of SBA.
  • The dates of SBA 2022 will be communicated later on.
  • All the CEOs are, therefore, requested to share the pattern of assessment with its field formations / schools (Public 8 Private) so that the teachers may align their teaching as per assessment of students and coverage of curriculum.
  • Your kind cooperation will be highly appreciated.



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