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Payment of Benevolent Fund, Marriage & Funeral Grant, and Scholarship for ESTs ( BS-15)

A notification has been issued in connection with the Payment of Benevolent Fund, Marriage & Funeral Grant, and Scholarship for ESTs ( BS-15) by District Govt. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Payment of Benevolent Fund, Marriage & Funeral Grant, and Scholarship for ESTs ( BS-15)

I am directed to refer to the subject, cited above and to inform processing the applications of various Benevolent Fund grants of Elementa Teachers EST, etc. An anomaly came forth i.e regular Basic Pay Scale of ES or BS 16. Accordingly, this office has sent a letter addressed to School Department to clarify the aforesaid query. Meanwhile, the disbars• ESTS’s/SESE’s was stopped.

  • In this regard School Education Dep rtment clarified that vide SO(SE-III)5.165/2021 dated 26.05.2023 EST’s/SESEshave regular 05-1 numbers of ESTs are also working in BS-10 (Personal)”, Moreover, -approached Fianance Deaprtment regard.ng clarif anon whether to treat E5. BS- 16 (Personal). Fianace Department has advised 35 under:
"the original / substantive pay scale f the post of EST remain E5,15 while the pay scale of the :he Incumbent I.e. BS•1, personal. Personal scale is tempo 3ry arrangement and ai vacation, the post Is automatically Nerted to its original sc Therefore, the pay scale E.Elfteeponall of the EST or oth is not Regular".
  • In view of the above, I am further irected to request you to cases of all 04 (B.F) Grants i.e. Scholarship, uneral, Marriage & Mor accordingly by tne Chairman District Benevolent FL lcl.rd / concerened.
Payment of of Benevolent Fund, Marriage & Funeral Grant, and Scholarship for ESTs ( BS-15)

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