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Notification of Examination & Promotion Policy 2021 | Punjab Boards

A notification has been issued on 13th September 2021 in connection with Examination & Promotion Policy 2021 by PBCC. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Examination & Promotion Policy 2021 | Punjab Boards

The Punjab Boards Comm.. of Chairpersons, in its meeting held on 13th September 2021 vide table agenda item No. 2, keeping in view the direction issued by Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training in the meeting of Inter-Provincial Education Minister’s Committee (IPEMC), the house unanimously approved the following proposals for interposition in the mill. Examination and Promotion Policy 2021 is subject to approval by the Provincial cabinet.

  1. Marks obtained In theory papers A Elective Subjects will be used to calculate percentage for award of marks In Compulsory Subjects. Up to S. additional marks shall be awarded proportionate to “granted average marks, Compulsory Subjects to the candidates of SSC and HSSC (Part I & II).
  2. In the light A directions by Federal Minister for Education & Professional Training It was decided that “To facilitate the students, all those who fall in any subject, will be given 33% marks for the purpose of computing averages,
  3. The candidates of SSC and HSSC Part-II (Annual) Examinations 2021, who were absent in the examinations or who do not accept the award of 33% passing marks In failed subject(s), as announced by the Federal Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training, may appear In a Special Examination to be held In November 2021, Such candidates shall be required to declare In writing their option to appear In the Special Examination within 15 days of the declaration of results.

The candidates of SSC and HSSC (Part-1), at the time of d.aration of their results, shall be given 30 days time period to decide If they want to retain their score or they want to opt for Composite Examination In nen yea, Le 2022. In such case, if they oot for Com.

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