NADRA’s Latest Update: Smart CNIC Fee Structure in February 2024

NADRA's Latest Update: Smart CNIC Fee Structure in February 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of identity documentation in Pakistan, the National Database Registration Authority (NADRA) stands at the forefront, playing a crucial role in issuing the technologically advanced Smart National Identity Card (SNIC). This sophisticated card serves as a cornerstone for essential services, ranging from obtaining licenses and National Tax Numbers (NTN) to managing bank … Read more

NADRA B-Form Fees 2024:Process with New Measures

In an effort to make the process of obtaining a B-Form for minors more accessible, the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) in Pakistan has introduced streamlined steps, accompanied by cost-effective solutions. The B-Form, a crucial document for securing fundamental rights for children, is now within reach for all parents. 1. Affordable Pricing Strategy To … Read more

NADRA Whatsapp channel for citizens Launched

On Thursday, the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) took a step forward by launching a WhatsApp Channel aimed at providing citizens with up-to-date and precise information. This innovative move reflects NADRA’s commitment to adopting a forward-thinking approach in delivering accurate updates and guidance to the public. With real-time messaging capabilities, the authority can swiftly … Read more

NADRA ID Card Cancellation Certificate – Categories and Application Process in 2024

The National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) have revolutionized the process of obtaining a NADRA ID Card Cancellation Certificate, introducing a seamless method for citizens facing various circumstances. This initiative is designed to enhance efficiency and security in the cancellation process. NADRA’s Online Cancellation Service NADRA’s online ID card cancellation service caters to diverse situations … Read more

How to Apply for NADRA Family Registration Certificate (FRC) Online in Pakistan

In today’s digital age, Pakistan is embracing technological advancements to modernize its administrative processes, with a specific emphasis on family registrations. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide on obtaining the Family Registration Certificate (FRC) in Pakistan, with a focus on the online application process. Whether you need it for international travel … Read more

NADRA Introduces Revolutionary Mobile App for Easy Identity Documentation

The National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) has unveiled its latest offering – the “Pak ID” mobile app. This innovative app promises to transform the way Pakistani citizens and overseas Pakistanis obtain essential identity documents, eliminating the need for long queues and tiresome waits. Effortless Documentation Gone are the days of enduring the tedium of … Read more