Submission of Thematic Wall Painting in ECE Classrooms 2021
Quaid-e-Azam Academy For Educational Development, Govt of Punjab has issued the official announcement on 1st September 2021 in connection with the submission of voucher accounts of thematic wall painting in 1500 selected ECE (Early Childhood Education) classrooms during F.Y. 2021 in collaboration with UNICEF.
District QAED Heads:
- Khanewal
- Multan
- Muzaffargarh
- Sheikhupura
- Vehari
Wall Painting of 1500 Early Childhood Education Classrooms 2021
Kindly refer to this office letter No. QAED/Fin/6(32)/2021/1030 dated 08.06.2021 on the subject noted above (copy enclosed for ready reference)
QAED Punjab distributed funds amounting to Rs.22,500,000/- to five districts QAED Heads for Thematic Wall Painting in 1500-Selected Early Childhood Education Classrooms during F.Y 2021 under the scheme launched in collaboration with UNICEF of the FACE/CE implemented for the period April-June 2021.
It was compulsory to submit vouched accounts before 30th June 2021 that was a stipulated time of 07-days after completion of the activity.
The vouched accounts should be prepared and submitted to QAED Punjab in the light of financial guidelines already circulated vide this office letter No QAED/Fin/6(32)/2021/1030 dated 08.06.2021. It is a mandatory requirement of UNICEF audit for preparation of Auditable record of expenditure incurred out of UNICEF funds under prevailing Punjab Government rules. While submitting actual vouched accounts to QAED Punjab following rules may be complied with:
- Stamp “Charged to UNICEF” should be embossed on all vouched accounts.
- All vouched accounts should be completed with all supporting documents i.e. acquittance roll, cheque copies and acknowledgment chits for all payments made to vendors.
- Vouchers for Wall Painting should be completed in all aspects ie, Work Completion Certificate, invoices, vouched accounts be placed in Box files with proper page marking and indexing & should be signed/stamped by concerned QAED Heads.
- Summary of the expenditure be prepared and it should be reconciled with the record.
I am directed to request you to submit the vouched accounts covering all aspects in the office of the undersigned on or before September 07, 2021 (Tuesday) through a special messenger.