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PunjabSED Punjab


A notification has been issued on 21-10-2021 in connection with hiring of Staff for Insaf After noon Schools Programme by SED Punjab.Further detail and policy is as under;


Directorate Of Public Instruction (Elementary Education) Punjab has issued a notification dated October 21, 2021 in connection with “Hiring Of Staff Of Insaf Afternoon School Program” and issued instructions to all Chief Executive Officers(DEAs) in Punjab regarding the procedure of hiring of afternoon school teachers.

Technical Parameters IASP Teaching Staff

2-Teachers will be hired initially from the same school, excluding Head Teacher. In case of shortage/non-availability of willing teachers from the same school, willing teachers of nearby schools will be hired. In case of non-availability of teachers from nearby schools, Private teachers may be hired by the respective (concerned) School Councils by inviting applications locally, under the Policy of School Teachers Internees (STI).

Age limit IASP Teaching Staff

  • Male: 20 to 50 years.
  • Female: 20 to 55 years.
Qualification IASP Teaching Staff

Minimum qualification is Intermediate but science graduates will be preferred by giving Nos, in the merit as follows.

  • SSC =55 marks (Science & Arts)
  • HSSC =15 marks (F.A/IC/FSc/I.Com)
  • Graduation = 15 marks (B.A/B.Sc/B.Com/BSEd)
  • Masters =10 marks (M.A/M.Sc/M.Com/MBA)
  • If BS (Honors) = 25 marks;

Interview = 5 marks; (Communication skills 1 mark + Pedagogical skills + 2 marks + Subject Knowledge 2 marks); :

Other teachers, if required and necessary (i.e. 3rd and 4th will be hired upon increasing enrollment.

Note: (Not more than 4 are allowed)

In case of non-willingness of teachers

Furthermore, “In case of non-willingness of teachers of same school to teach in evening hours, the written certificate will be sought by the teacher concerned and countersigned by the Deputy District Education Officer (Male & Female) (Elementary Education) concerned Tehsil.

In case of non-willingness of teachers of nearby public schools to teach in evening hours, written certificate will be sought by the teacher concerned and countersigned by the Deputy District Education Officer (Male & Female) (Elementary Education) concerned Tehsil.

If both possibilities do not yield willingness of Govt. teachers to teach in evening hours, only then, private Teachers could be hired keeping in view the above prescribed STIs policy.

The staff of afternoon schools shall be given honorarium per month for managing the school as under:

PostElementary SchoolHigh School
Head TeacherRs. 18,000Rs. 20,000
Teacher Rs. 15,000Rs. 18.000
Servant Rs. 7,000 Rs. 7,000

One Comment

  1. Assalam o Alaikum sir I am already teaching in IASP school. I am a govt teacher. I want to hire a private teacher but I don’t know about the payment. Can you please tell me about the payment procedures of Insaaf afternoon school.? Because when we interview some private teachers they ask about payments first and we are not sure about the payment yet. Please tell me about it. I will be thankful to you.

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