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PunjabSED Punjab

Notification of Physical Education Teachers Promotion/Recruitment 2021

A notification has been issued on 1st November 2021 in connection with Recruitment/Promotion of Physical Education Teachers by the Punjab School Education Department South Punjab.Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Notification of Physical Education Teachers Promotion/Recruitment 2021

I am directed to refer to your Reference No. PPETA/2021/29 Dated 14-10-2021 on the subject noted above.

As the subject reference has been addressed to Secretary School Education Department, Punjab Lahore vide No. DS(LIAISON)/CMO/21/0T-47/0047939 dated 09-09-2021 you are requested to approach the relevant office, however, School Education Department, South Punjab, Multan has taken up initiatives on revival of Sports and activities of Physical Education activities in Schools.

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