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Notification of Winter Vacations in TEVTA-KP 2021-2022

A notification has been issued 0n 22-12-2021 in connection with Winter Vacations 2021-2022 KP-TEVTA by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (KP-TEVTA). Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Notification of Winter Vacations in TEVTA-KP 2021-2022

The Competent Authority is pleased to convey Winter Vacations in all the institutions under the administrative
control of KP-TEVTA as per the following schedule:

For Plain Areas KP

  • GCTS/GPIs (male / female): 25™ December 2021 to 31 December 2021 §
  • GTVCs /SDCs (male / female): 25% December 2021 to 31 December 2021 i

For Hilly /Snowy Areas KP

  • GCTs / GPIs (Male/Female): 25 December 2021 to 28™ February 2022
  • GTVCs /SDCs (male / female): 25 December 2021 to 315 January 2022 |
Notification of Winter Vacations KP-TEVTA 2021-2022

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