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Recruitment Rules for the Post of Lab Supervisors in Colleges | Sindh

A letter/notification has been issued on 21-12- 2021 in connection with Framing Recruitment Rules for the Post of Lab Supervisors Sindh by the Government of Sindh, Services, General Administration & Coordination Department. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

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Recruitment Rules for the Post of Lab Supervisors in Colleges | Sindh

The Secretary to Government of Sindh, College Education Department may kindly refer to his department’s letter No SO(HR-V)Misc-1018/2016, dated 24™ November 2021 on the subject captioned above.

  • In pursuance of rule 3(2) of Sindh civil servants (Appointment, Promotion, and Transfer) Rules-1974. The Competent Authority approved it. The concurrence of services, General Administration and Coordination Department Government of Sindh conveyed for notifying fresh recruitment rules. All these are after superseding the existing rules (if any), in respect of sanctioned post of “Laboratory Supervisor (BPS-11)”These posts are in the college Education Department, Government of Sindh
  • A copy of the nofification in respect of recruitment rules of the ibid post, already vetted by the law, Parliamentary Affairs and Criminal Prosecution Department Government of Sindh vide their letter No. S REG:1(55)/2021/298 dated 11th December 2021 enclosed herewith.
  • The Administrative Department is accordingly advised to issue notification for fresh recruitment rules in respect §
    of ibid post, strictl in accordance with the vetted notification, and finish a copy thereof to Law, Preliminary i
    Affairs and criminal Prosecution Department Govemment of Sindh for publication in the next Goverment
    Gazette, as required vide this department’s nofification number SOR-I(SGA&CD)1-512007 dated 29 January §
    2016 (copy enclosed). The same further nesds to disseminate among the members of Recrutment Rules §
    Committee-| for their information |
  • This issues vith the approval of the secretary (18C), SGARCD.
Recruitment Rules

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