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DEA Bahawal Nagar


A showcase letter has been issued on 08-09-2021 in connection with the non-compliance report of Schools that are not performing Dengue activities by District Education Authority Bahawal Nagar. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;


Apropos the subject cited above.

Your personal attention invited toward this office letter No. 4580 dated. 28.08.2021 for personal hearing and the date was fixed 31.08.2021, but it is very regretted here that you did not bother to appear before the undersigned on the fixed date. It tent amounts to misconduct. You are once again offered a chance to appear before the undersigned on 11.09.2021 at 1. PM as to explain your position along with supporting documents in your defense, the hearing was regarding reported by the Deputy District Education Officer (M-EE), Bahawalnagar District focal person anti-dengue & report downloaded from Dengue Dashboard Disease Tracking and response system, 107 anti-dengue users of your School didn’t submit anti-dengue activities 19.07.2021 to 24.07.2021. Consequently, You were issued personal hearing notices and dire ted to appear before the District Focal Person Anti-Dengue Activities on 27.07.2021, 31.07.2021, 04.08.2021, and 06.08.2021 respectively for clarification. along with your written defense reply failing which it shall be presumed that you have nothing to offer in your favor and the charges of misconduct and inefficiency accepted and competent authority will be asked to proceed against you under PUNJAB EMPLOYEES EFFICIENCY, DISPILAN AND ACCOI’mTARILTY ACT above mention charges.

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