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PunjabSED Punjab

Notification of Measles & Rubella Vaccination Campaign

A notification has been issued on 8th November 2021 in connection with the Measles & Rubella Vaccination Campaign by the Punjab Government, School Education Department, Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Vaccination of Measles (Khasra) and Rubella Campaign for Children

As per directions of the Competent Authority, all CEOs (DEAs) shall ensure Measles & Rubella vaccination of all students having age less than15 years enrolled in all public and private schools of the province.

You are, therefore, directed to pass on necessary directions to lower formation to extend full cooperation with the health vaccinating teams to ensure Measles & Rubella vaccination of students, on a top priority basis, as directed by the Competent Authority.

Notification of Measles & Rubella Vaccination Campaign

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