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FederalFinance Division

Notification of Afghanistan Relief Fund 2021

A notification has been issued on 8th December 2021 in connection with Afghanistan Relief Fund. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Open Account For Afghanistan Relief Fund in All Branches of State Bank

All proceeds on account of “AFGHANISTAN RELIEF FUND” and payment into the aforesaid Fund will be received at all branches of State Bank of Pakistan, all Treasuries, and Branches of National Bank of Pakistan and all other Scheduled Banks.

The Fund may receive donations from both domestic, international donors and contributions from abroad which will be received at all the branches of the above-referred banks where such branches are existing. In other foreign countries, contributions will be received at Pakistan Missions and remitted to the State Bank of Pakistan which would prescribe the necessary procedure for their accounting.

All proceeds received in the name of the Fund will be credited to the public account of the Federal Government under the following head of the account:

Major ObjectG12Special Deposit Fund
Minor ObjectG121Relief Funds
Detailed Object (New)G12163Afghanistan Relief Fund

Accounts of the Fund will be maintained by the Accountant General of Pakistan Revenues Islamabad and Fund will be administered by the M/o Economic Affairs in consultation with Finance Division.

Notification of Afghanistan Relief Fund 2021
Notification of Afghanistan Relief Fund 2021

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