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Notification of Fixed Daily Wages Rates in Lahore by WAPDA

A notification has been issued on 07-01-2022 in connection with Fixed Daily Wages Rates in Lahore by Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority. Further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Fixed Daily Wages Rates in Lahore by WAPDA

WAPDA has adopted daily wages rates for Skilled, Semi-skilled, and Unskilled labor fixed by the Deputy Commissioners for their respective District for payment to its daily wages staff.

The daily wages rates fixed with effect from 01.07 2021 by Deputy Commissioner, Lahore vide Office Order No. AC(HR&C)PA/143 dated 01.11.2021 are reproduced below

  • Un-skilled Labour 777/- per day
  • Semi-skiled Labour 808/- per day
  • Skilled Labour 887)- per day
  • Mason Other Skilled Lobour 998/- per day
  • Part time Emoluments 20,200/~ per day

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Daily Wages

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