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Increase Monthly Wages of Unskilled and Juvenile Workers 2021

A notification has been issued on 06-08-2021 in connection with the Increase in Monthly Wages of Unskilled and Juvenile Workers in ICT Islamabad by the Government of Pakistan, Office of the Chief Commissioner Directorate of Industries & Labour ICT Islamabad. The further detail of said notification in same is as under;

Increase Monthly Wages of Unskilled and Juvenile Workers in ICT Islamabad

In exercise of powers conferred upon him under Section-4 of the Minimum Wages Ordinance, 1961, read with Justice Division Notification No. F(2)/Pub/80 dated 31-12-1980, issued in pursuance of Article-2 of the Islamabad Capital Territory Administrative Order 1980 (P.O. No.18 of 1980) and all others powers enabling him in this behalf, the Chief Commissioner ICT, Islamabad has been pleased to fix the minimum monthly wages of un-skilled workers and the Juvenile Workers in all the industrial/commercial establishment in the I.C.T. Islamabad w.e.f. 1st July, 2021. The schedule of minimum wages is appended below:

Summary of Daily Wages

  S. No.Category of WorkersMinimum rates of wages
Per Day (for 8 working hours )Per month (for 26 working days)
1.Adult Unskilled works employed in industrial undertaking in ICT, Islamabad  Rs.796.23Rs.20,000/-
2.Juvenile Workers, allowed by law, employed in industrial undertakings in ICT, IslamabadRs.796.23Rs.20,000/-

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