OpenAI “Accidentally” Leaks ChatGPT’s Next Major Upgrade

OpenAI’s last upgrade to ChatGPT was GPT-4 Turbo, which was officially launched in November 2023, featuring a significantly larger context window and an updated knowledge cut-off date. Now, the AI chatbot is on the brink of yet another upgrade, as hinted by leaked information from the company itself. The AI startup recently published a blog … Read more

Google to Integrate Gemini AI into Android Devices by 2025

Google plans to integrate Gemini, its advanced AI language models, into Android devices by 2025. This decision follows the launch of Gemini Nano, a smaller model that operates offline, enhancing privacy and user experience. With 1.56 trillion parameters, Gemini Ultra rivals OpenAI’s GPT-4 in language capabilities. Despite a sluggish smartphone market, integrating Gemini could bring … Read more

X Has Been Blocked Due to “Illegal Content”: Govt Sources

In a significant development, it has been disclosed that X (formerly known as Twitter) has been blocked in Pakistan due to its non-compliance with local regulations. Government sources informed that X did not adequately address the presence of illegal content, with only a fraction of flagged material being removed. The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) reportedly … Read more

Apple’s Foldable Phone Design Nearing Completion: A Sneak Peek

Recent reports from supply chain sources suggest that Apple is in the final stages of designing its foldable phone. This progress indicates that key aspects of the device’s design are falling into place, hinting at a potential move towards mass production. Despite this advancement, it appears unlikely that Apple’s foldable phone will hit the market … Read more

WhatsApp adds New Text Formatting Options

Four new text formatting options have been added to WhatsApp to help users communicate more effectively. Available starting today, WhatsApp users can now use bulleted and numbered lists, block quotes, and inline code to highlight and organize their messages, making it easier to break down large sections of text into something easier to read. These … Read more

Google to Fight Against Hackers Under New AI Cyber Defense Initiative

Google is gearing up to harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) in its latest initiative, the AI Cyber Defense Initiative, aimed at bolstering cybersecurity measures against cyber threats. This innovative program seeks to leverage AI technology to create a safer online environment by staying ahead of cybercriminals. One of the biggest challenges in cybersecurity … Read more

TikTok launches native app for Apple’s Vision Pro

Apple recently unveiled that Vision Pro users can now access over 1,000 native apps, exceeding initial expectations. However, the platform still lacks a robust selection of games due to resource constraints, with developers awaiting to gauge audience interest before investing heavily. For TikTok enthusiasts who own an Apple Vision Pro, there’s good news—the native TikTok … Read more

Smartphone Installment Policy Awaits Approval from Two Ministries

The Ministry of IT and Telecom is advancing its smartphone / mobile phone installment policy, now seeking approval from the Ministry of Law and Ministry of Finance. After engaging stakeholders in discussions during a working group meeting on mobile financing, the ministry is readying the policy for further review and approval by the federal government. … Read more

Microsoft Reports North Korea and Iran Utilizing AI for Hacking

Microsoft has raised alarms over the growing use of generative AI by US adversaries, particularly Iran and North Korea. These nations, alongside Russia and China to a lesser extent, are employing AI for offensive cyber operations. Microsoft has been working with OpenAI to detect and disrupt these activities. While these AI techniques are still nascent … Read more

PTA’s Transition to Optical Fiber Cable Infrastructure for Fixed Broadband Services

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) is poised to upgrade its fixed broadband services by transitioning from traditional copper-based networks to modern Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) infrastructure. This move aims to enhance the security and speed of broadband services across the country. According to official sources, this transition will be enforced through new and renewed licenses, … Read more